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Selamat datang di blog informasi Teknologi, saya ucapkan selamat menikmati suguhan saya mulai dari AntiVirus, Berita Kontes, Dunia Teknologi, Keamanan Jaringan, Tak Berarti, Tips and tricks, Virus hingga informasi mengenai teknologi terbaru yang di gunakan banyak orang di dunia. Jadi selamat menikmati deh!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday 22 June 2009

Ancient Secret Beyond AntiVirus Scanner

With the development of the worm to its popularity in Indonesia to create local programs Antivirus also local demand, the user starts the computer, which even now is able to compete and to host in their own country, knowing this is the start switch worm writer and diligent search for and add new tricks antivirus signature for each local in order to more easily stop the process when the antivirus.

When doing research material for the book Computer Worm 3 (codename: The Biggest Secret Finally revealed) I accidentally found a trick to be calculated very simple but powerful enough to pass local anti-virus scanning process. This trick is a trick to use unique characters in file names or folder names. As we know that with Windows refused to give the name of a file or folder if you use one of the following characters; \ /: *? "<> | Characters are valid as a parameter in the path or address of the file / directory, but on windows 2000 or higher that allows Windows to include some unique characters that will be read as the characters question / question mark (?) In Windows Explorer question ... this is the character that will confuse the scanner antivirus engine antivirus-local even in other applications such as EXE Hex Editor and Info.

With a rename the file or folder, is a unique character can be produced by pressing a key combination alt +1, alt alt +2 to +15 with the press and hold Alt key and press the number for example number 1, while the second key will be shown a small box-shaped characters, there are some other characters though not the characters but the question can also be used, the characters are on a combination of key alt alt +190 to +229. The use of this character at least one character and can be placed anywhere on the file name, terrible if applied to a folder it will produce the same effect for each file that is inside (invalid path).

This simple trick can be used not only by a malcode but also can use antivirus programs to be the main file can not be deleted or modified by the worm or virus.

Continue forward in the wisata seo sadau, while following seo contest, to wisata the island sadau!

Also read the following article

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