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Wednesday, 1 July 2009

IDRS With MA and Alternatif Architecture Model

IDRS with MA
Descriptions based on the II and III, MA to the dynamic technology has the potential to support the performance of the static IDRS. Some basic characteristics of the MA can support IDRS are:

a) can be sent to a location to process the data alone or in cooperation with another agent, and send the results back to the operating pengutus.
b) Because the data is sent to the location of the application is a small volume and low load transmission network.
c) that are autonomous and can operate without stopping even though the connection is lost akan IDRS who oversees the network without the need to stop and on-time (any time in real time).
d) Ability adaptation with dynamic environment that can change the IDRS, in which the agent can migrate to and communicate with any other agent.
e)-tergantungan on the platform to make the migration agent who can also give the same response when the intrusion occurred.
f) Representator protocol in the network.

Alternative Model Architecture
IDRS architecture model that has been proposed MA-based characteristics:

a) The implementation of hybrid technology (HIDS and NIDS), not only to monitor each activity in each host also activities between hosts in the intranet is connected to the Internet through a proxy-server (Figure 1).
b) Network has many hosts in the intranet terdistribusi in a heterogeneous topology.
c) Each host monitors traffic between the client bound with the host and also among the client with another client in the host.
d) Intranet to communicate with the outside world through a proxy-server as a firewall in addition also a part IDRS was developed based MA.
e) IDRS in each location (host / Proxy) subsystem consists of 3: MA can move to monitor data traffic abnormal results and visibility to managers, managers manage and analyze data received from the MA, and monitor the work as to means of early warning and control.

Also read the following article

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