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Friday, 2 July 2010

googleTV present google

It seems google will not soon bring a tv with a tv google, reportedly around September, in the united states. The search engine giant launched a TV service that combines real-RIME tv shows with the Internet. Service called Smart TV enables viewers watching broadcast TV programs directly and also content from video sites like YouTube.

Quoted from the BBC, Friday (05/21/2010), a special TV device is connected to the Google Box-This connection also allows users to access the site and download a variety of applications. For the TV device, Google's technology companies entrust it to Sonny and Logitech. Analysis of the Firm Screen And Cryan says, television is an area of expertise such google. "Presence google declared ambition to set and collect all the information existing in the world. So, no doubt to make it happen, "said Cryan.

He mentioned that, before there is some research that seeks to connect the television to the Internet, yet none of the successful work properly. "Now it is replaced with the presence of quality web TV service, available on TV sets," he said....

Also read the following article

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