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Thursday, 22 July 2010

Government Block Porn Sites Fasting Month Before Arrival

Jakarta: The Indonesian Government will make blocking of porn sites before the holy month of Ramadan later. Minister of Communications and Information Technology said Tifatul Sembiring, blocking porn sites is the mandate of the Law on Pornography.

"Just before Ramadan was wrong yes, so as not to upset his worship," said Tifatul in the Office of the Presidency, Thursday (22 / 7). "Pornography Act says that the state must or protect society from the negative impact of pornography. We run it alone," he added.

Tifatul not mention in detail whether the blocking of it will be done so on. He just explained that blocking sites deemed pornographic will be massive.

Parties who violate the rules will be subject to the threat of pornography prison sentence of six years to ten years, as stipulated in the Law of Information and Electronic Transactions.

Therefore Tifatul reminds all parties to be careful in spreading porn sentences, because it was part of pornography and could be prosecuted.

Also read the following article

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