Many theories about the aging process, and are quite popular are the
free radical theory. This theory is credible as a theory that can explain the occurrence of the aging process. Free radicals are considered as an important cause damage cell function. We may often hear the term antioxidant both in the medical world and in our lives. Antioxidants are substances the body needs to neutralize free radicals and prevent damage caused by free radicals on normal cells, protein, and fat.
Antioxidant stabilize free radicals with electron-deficient complement owned by free radicals, and inhibit the formation of a chain reaction of free radicals that can cause oxidative stress.
There are several forms of antioxidants, including vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals. Various types of antioxidants work together in protecting normal cells and neutralize free radicals. While antioxidants: chemistry is a compound in the sense of giving electrons, but in the sense of biological antioxidants are compounds, which can reduce the negative impact of oxidants (
free radical). Thus, antioxidants have the duty to capture the free radicals that enter or are formed in the body, so as not to damage cells in the body.
Antioxidants are classified above:
a. Endogenous antioxidants (
antioxidant that already exists in the body): composed of enzymes and other substances in the body such as SOD, glutathione peroxidase, peroxidase, catalase.
b. Exogenous antioxidants (antioxidants obtained from food) such as β-carotene, vitamin E, vitamin C, zinc, and selenium.
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