Tambah Penghasilan Anda

Selamat datang di blog informasi Teknologi, saya ucapkan selamat menikmati suguhan saya mulai dari AntiVirus, Berita Kontes, Dunia Teknologi, Keamanan Jaringan, Tak Berarti, Tips and tricks, Virus hingga informasi mengenai teknologi terbaru yang di gunakan banyak orang di dunia. Jadi selamat menikmati deh!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, 5 July 2009

Disable Right Click On The Website

It looks like the end of this many sites which use anti-click the script - right. Its normal if you met with the type of site / blog click on the lock - to its right, it will show a message alert. Well, now in this article I will have to give way to overcome its a web / blog to the anti-click - right

First way
First past the text block you want to copy. Remember, it's only in the block only. Then right-click and hold. Once the alert message appears, press the [ESC] on the keyboard. Then remove the right click menu and will appear as usual .. Is wrong .. live copy ... Use the same way to take pictures. Right-click on the image-hold - press [ESC].

The two ways by using the Facility Use Keyboard
Textnya block (without the right-click) and press the arrow button berlogo is near the key [ctrl]. the arrows point to the menu again .. I have met. Now it appears deh menu right-click it. Can also block or textnya press [ctrl] + [c]

Third way IE on the TOOLBAR MENU
Most people forget this. After memblock textnya, click [edit] [copy]. Of course this can not be used to save the image.

Keep Smile N' Happy Blogging!!!!!!!!

Also read the following article

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