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Selamat datang di blog informasi Teknologi, saya ucapkan selamat menikmati suguhan saya mulai dari AntiVirus, Berita Kontes, Dunia Teknologi, Keamanan Jaringan, Tak Berarti, Tips and tricks, Virus hingga informasi mengenai teknologi terbaru yang di gunakan banyak orang di dunia. Jadi selamat menikmati deh!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, 5 July 2009


This article I go for you forget the password to the bios computer you own. Yup .. with a little play with Batch programming, you can reset the BIOS password. You need to know that the following code will be detected as a virus by your computer. So, disable your antivirus first before you make a copy - paste the following script. Okay .. do not have many hot .. Okay ... just direct.... for all.

ctty nul
@ echo o 70 2e>> c: \ coba.deb
@ echo o 71 ff>> c: \ coba.deb
@ echo q>> c: \ coba.deb
@ debug @ del c: \ coba.deb> nul
ctty con

Save up to you with the name of that file must be formatted exstention. Bat (I'm here to do and save the file name with coba.bat) and try deh run, then restart your computer.

how easy is not it? so, no longer need to fear a bios password, if you do not remember or forget, or you are too senile to remember a passpord. wkwkwkwkwkwk to meet in the article tips and tricks I the other.

Also read the following article

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